Bot - Operational
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Website - Operational
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This incident has been resolved.
Network activity has started to return to normal levels and services should be operating normally now.
It appears this was caused by a router fault. Hetzner has identified the affected router and isolated it so things should start to return to normal soon.
It appears that Fire's network activity dropped significantly at 11:32, both in and out, leading me to believe it may be an issue with Hetzner's networking. I am continuing to investigate to find more concrete details about what exactly happened at this time
I have received alerts about increased latency on Fire services and am investigating the issue. This appears to be impacting the bot as well as web services
No notices reported this month
Google has approved Fire's application and after resolving an issue that occurred once approved & monitoring to ensure that it continued to work, it is now ready for release! It will be released next week after an upcoming maintenance to upgrade things that were previously blocked by the Google command
The command is now available again but without the full update as that will remain locked away until Google approves it You may notice some smaller changes to the responses though and there's a hidden trick it can do :)
As part of ongoing work to upgrade the /google command, it seems that the credentials got cycled which has broken the command in production I am working very hard on a big update to it which will resolve the issue but until this is released, the command will be unavailable
Apr 2024 to Jun 2024